Summer Bugs and Tips on How to Prevent Them from Infesting Your Property
Today, we are going to discuss some of the most annoying pests that you may find crawling or flying in or around your property. Unfortunately, most of them breed so quickly that unless you book a professional pest control service immediately after you notice them, they can become a real nuisance sooner than you expect.
Here are the most annoying species:
Ants. They usually invade residential building in search of food and shelter. These are well-organized intelligent pests that you may find extremely hard to remove. If you want to get rid of them, you may try by sealing all of the cracks on the exterior of your home. Do not leave any food leftovers on your counters, cupboards or floors, and make sure the area under your kitchen appliances is swept on a regular basis.
Mosquitoes. Through their itchy bites they are able to transmit numerous dangerous diseases. They usually infest areas near standing waters, so make sure you empty your yard fountains and pools in the fall or spring when you are not using them. Install windows screens just to be on the safe side. Of course, if their colony grows fast, do not hesitate to contact a local pest control service provider.
Ticks. They usually latch on to you or your pets while you are exploring the outdoors. They can carry Lyme disease which makes them potentially dangerous. In order to protect yourselves, you should cover your skin when passing through overgrown vegetation. in order to keep them away from your property, make sure your lawn is regularly mowed.
Bees and wasps. They pose a serious risk to those individuals who are prone to allergic reactions. Their stings are extremely painful. If you see a bee or a wasp near you, stay calm, and do not provoke them. They will only sting if they feel threatened. Keep your trash covered as this is what attracts them most. Make sure that your hauling service providers remove your junk regularly enough.
Defend your home with expert Pest Control!
For a professional pest control service, you can count on the services of A Landlords Pest Control and Extermination, based in Milwaukee, WI. Call us at (414) 369-6497 to learn more about our pricing policy!